Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Replacement Is Coming......

I'm going to be a dad............


At 38!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What, in the name of all things holy, was I thinking about!?!!

A brief moment of passion...........I heard that.................and the next 18 years of my life, minimum, are now going to be dictated by forces beyond my control.

We've decided to name these forces Max.

Max currently resides in a womb, deep within my wife's innards. Several thousand times a day my wife will make a noise that goes like this......."Oh.....Oooooooooooo........" This means that Max is doing some form of "womb acrobatics," and causing Brooke a level of, shall we say, discomfort. So, since he is VERY active while he's in the womb, I have no reason to believe that he won't be VERY active once he works his way out.

I was 30 when we had my daughter, Spenser. It was a good age. The world, and myself, were still young and full of promise. I thought nothing of bouncing out of bed at 7am, to be with my new daughter and show her all that this big, wonderful world had to offer. In short, like most new parents, I was an idiot.

We would show Spenser a leaf, and give her one to hold.............And we would video it!!!!!!!

We would show her rocks, and give her some to hold..................And we would video it!!!!!!

We would bundle her up, and taker her outside in the snow and rain........Again with the stinkin' video!!!!!

I drive around, and I see people do that. "FOOLS!!!!" I say. "You will NEVER look at those stupid videos!!!!" Then, they go inside and call the police. So, I have to leave.

My daughter is JUST NOW at the point where she can get out of bed, by herself, brush her teeth and hair, put on an outfit that doesn't match (she has my fashion sense), and go downstairs and pour herself a bowl of cereal. It is a glorious parental achievement, of which my wife and I are very proud.

Me? Up at 7am? Hardly.

I don't even think that the sun gets up at 7am. Even if it does, I really don't think it can be healthy for people to be up and about that early. I avoid the sun like a vampire who's lost track of time.

Nope. Now, I stay in bed until about 10am, on a good day. I'll put on my Tigger robe (it was a gift..shut up), and head downstairs to see what my wife is going to make me do, today. Then, at around noon, I'll take a shower and we'll do something for lunch. Then, I'll watch TV for a few hours, and we'll go to dinner. Then, I'll watch TV for a few more hours, and I'll go to bed. And, the cycle starts all over again. I've gotten it down to a science.

I am already referring to these days as my "mad, impetuous, youth." The crazy days, if you will.

But, Max is coming, and I am OLD.

When he's 12, I'll be 50!!!!!!!!

When he's 18, and graduating from high school, I'll be 56!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My wife, by this point, will have left me for a much younger, much better looking guy. Then my nurse, who does not speak english, and leaves me sitting in my own filth for several hours a day, will clip on my tie and drive me down to the graduation ceremony. I won't recognize anybody, and I'll just smile and wave, as a line of drool works its way down my face. My daughter, who will be a successful singer/animal doctor/teacher/police woman/artist (her choices, not mine) will be there, with her philanthropist husband, and my own grandchildren will be afraid of me because I, "smell funny."

Then my boy, Max, will take the stage as the class valedictorian (I had to spell check that), and thank everyone, singling out me. "That weird guy, with the gray beard, who always complained about having to get up so early." At this point I'll smile. Not because my son made me proud. More than likely because my nurse will have given me a ball, with a bell inside, to keep me quiet during the ceremony. But, still, I'll smile.

I'm going to try and avoid this, of course.

I will get out of bed early.....My wife will make me.

I will watch The Wiggles, or whatever annoying, brightly colored, happy song singing freaks are all the rage in two years. (Side note: I have seen The Wiggles live, in concert....Swear to God.)

I might try and cut some corners, though. I will be old, and cranky. Instead of taking him outside, maybe I’ll just grab a bunch of rocks, leaves, ice, and water and toss it in his crib.

"There," I’ll say. "Rocks, leaves, snow, and rain. Now, for crying out loud, go back to sleep!!!!"

Of course, I will video the whole thing.



Jodi said...

Casey - man, you crack me up! 38 is not old to have a child these days!!! Plus, is senility setting in? You will be 56 when Max is 18! LOL! Not 58.

Helena said...

Oh Casey. Babies are the "Fountain of Youth!" My husband's Dad was 42 yrs young when he was born! Plus, he weighed in at 12 lbs 2 ozs. and 24 ins.long. What a miniture man!! Also, I was 42 yrs young when our grand-dtr was born. When we go out together everyone assumes she's my dtr. I'm sure you'll find a new vein of energy when he's born and find that "Fountain of Youth. Best of Luck to you all. Helena

Casey said...

My math is bad....The situation has been corrected. Thanks for the heads up.

DisneyKidsDad said...

But what about seeing the look on Max's face when he goes to Disney World for the first time?

M.T. said...

You poooor baby! Stop it already! Put on your Big Boy Pants, get on with it and stop winging! Just think positively! Max will have an OLD FART to propel him towards his future! You'll be the hot wind beneath his wings! HA! HA! HA! C'mon Kermit, stop worrying yourself into oblivion! You'll be fine! And so will your family and the wonderful world we live in! :)


Jessica O. said...


Being a new mom, all I have to say is "Good luck, man."

Think of it this way, those 7am wae up calls are heaven in comparison to baby bloody murder cries at 2 hour intervals ALL NIGHT LONG. I'm happy Aiden is down at 10pm and up at 7am if that means I can sleep all the hours in between.

And I love the name Max.

Jodi said...

Casey - no problem for the heads up...I was just kidding about the "senility" part..I was just going along with the theme that you think you are too old to have another baby. My Mom was 38 when she had me. I know so many others that start having children in their early 40s. So you will definetely will not be the only one in the school yard. Good luck & many blessings to you & your family and little Max.

Anonymous said...

By the time Max is 18, New Jersey will have been officially separated from the U.S. and shipped up to Canada where it can't bother anyone. Consider it a blessing that you've given birth to a future Jersey Guy, 'eh'.


Anonymous said...

Wow... Don't know what took me so long to finally read your blog but I must say, it is quite amusing. Real, but funny, a good combination. As far as Max goes, you'll handle his growing up ok... Just stock up on the Bengay now:)

Annie said...

it's good you haven't considered the cost of raising both children in new jersey. if you did, then you'd probably have a heart attack.

don't get me wrong, i'm a jersey girl through and through, but i've got enough intelligence (thanks rutgers!) to realize i'll never be able to afford kids in this state!

RR said...

Hey Casey, don't sweat it. I got married at 27, my wife 26. we waited 7 years to have our first child. I was 34. we waited another sevdn years to have our second child. I was 41, my wife 40. He's 4 1/2 now, I'm 45. I'll be 60 and he'll be in college.

Suzie said...

Want something else to groan about. Spenser will be in High School when Max is starting Kindergarten!!

I am also 38 and my husband is going for a vasectomy very soon!