Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Manifesto Shall Return

Possibly next week, I'll be back......I've found that this is my only outlet. Nobody in my house thinks I'm funny......Not that anyone HERE thinks I'm funny. But, none of you stare at me and say things like, "I could have married a doctor," when I try and be funny. Well, you MAY be saying those things. But, I can't see you. So, I don't have to hear it.

It's not MY fault I have a dumb job. All the good jobs were taken.

I'm also trying to figure out if I want to write an online novel. I'm actually trying to write a book, right now. It's a mystery. I could just plop that on here. But, I would rather keep that for other things.

I have to decide on a genre. Hmmmm.....I like that word.....Genre......It makes me laugh.

Now I'm rambling.....Maybe she SHOULD have married a doctor.....I wonder if he would look at my elbow......It hurts a little.........We'll see.

Happy 4th of July.



Anonymous said...

You dont have a dumb job, You are a "jersey guy" damnit.. be loud be proud ya need to quit the bitching, though it does seem to be your money maker.. and try to enjoy yourself, or one day you will wake up and realize all the good things you have missed out on by being such a pessamistic prick

ok I am done

Love ya

Unknown said...

You sound just like me. You have about as much self confidence too... even so, you managed to land a cushy radio job(s). Imagine what you could accomplish if you truly believed in yourself. My biggest accomplishment to date is having Charod put some of my cartoons on your web page. How pathetic is that? So feel good about yourself... you are funny and have talent. Keep writing, but do not put thebook up for free. That would be a huge mistake. Bob Ingle would slap you. Happy Fourth!
G.M. Smith

Rach from down the shore said...

I have to say that you really have to keep writing because I am at the point where I KNOW my jobs sucks more than yours and the tiny glimmer of hope I get is that you felt compelled to bless us with your inner thoughts. Which coincidentally enough make mine not sound so off beat. So thank you. & please no mysteries.