Saturday, May 17, 2008

The World Keeps Turning

This will be short.....

Things are good. We just had Max's first doctor visit. All is well. He continues to amaze us, and the people around us. The kid can hold his head up, and look around. Most newborns can't do that, let alone one that is more than a month early. He's doing terrific. He's my little hero. You would never know that he was almost dead a week ago.....God, I don't even like saying that.

Brooke is a work in progress. She is in a lot of pain, but isn't letting it keep her down. It's hard, but she gets up and moves around as much as she can. We've even gone out. We had to rent a bed, and a wheelchair. Insurance wouldn't pay for them. They wouldn't pay for the bed, because they said she WASN'T bed bound. They wouldn't pay for the chair, because they said she WAS house bound.

So, she CAN'T leave the house, but she CAN'T stay in bed while she's there. Nice. How much am I paying for insurance? I've paid thousands of dollars to THIS SAME COMPANY over the years, and have almost NEVER used it. Then, the first time I need them they get all nit picky on me. Apparently they were shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that bones could break. Who knew?

Spenser is doing terrific. She has been great. Doing her best to take care of mommy, and messing with her little brother as much as she can. Her and I have to stick together. We're the only ones who HAVEN'T been involved in a major surgery in the past week!!!

As for me, I'll be back on the air, Monday . The wheels keep turning, and I have to make a living, and get my family moved to Jersey. I'm pretty sure that I'm facing some level of financial ruin, too. ($12 for asprin?) Strangely, I don't really care about that. I'll deal with it when it comes, and do what I can. After what we've been through they can't touch us. I mean, they CAN'T take my son back, can they?

Maybe I better check my benefits paperwork on that.

As always, thank you for all your support....I needed it.



JMAN said...
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JMAN said...

Congrats on the new baby. I pray all is well.

About the insurance companies. I like the way Chris Rock explains it. "I give you money in case something happens. If nothing happens, shouldn't i get my money back?" or "When you have insurance, at least you die on a mattress!"

Anonymous said...

Wanted to check in for news. Glad to hear things are coming together a bit. Miracle Max is on his way. A speedy recovery for your wife. I bet Spencer thinks Miracle Max is the cats meow. Take a ton of pictures, get some sleep, and get prepared for the overwhelming amount of calls you will get on show on Monday. I am so glad I get out of work at 2pm- just in time to hear you.

Kim said...

That's what sucks about insurance companies - big time.

But look on the bright side - you have your new boy AND you get to do a huge move all at the same time! =) It doesn't get much better than that...

So glad everything's better and brighter and really looking forward to having you back on the air - the afternoons have just seemed kind of... off ;>

uniquefavors said...

I heard about your ordeal on the radio but didn't know the details until Ray said you posted on the blog. So relieved to hear Brooke and little Max are doing great and hope you all get settled in here in NJ soon. Take it easy and try your best to relax. I think you all need it now.

Suzie said...

I'm sure your phone lines are going to be SO FULL this afternoon, so I'm just going to say Welcome Back here!

DOROTHY AKA Happiest_BOW said...

Casey first, You're VERY welcome. That's what we're supposed to be here for...Support!

I AM SO HAPPY that for the most part, everybody is doing GREAT under the circumstances!
We miss you, but it's sad you have to leave your family so soon! Brooke could probably really need your help at least her first week home. There's no way you can stay home one more week for them and for you too?. I think you'll really worry a lot more about them here!

Casey, I don't know you personally, but what I can tell, you are A GOOD, HUSBAND, FATHER AND MAN!

Now, as far as health insurance. If you haven't tried yet. My advice is, appeal there stupid reasons why Brooke doesn't need the bed and chair.

If it helps. As far as insurance goes. You're not alone.

My hubby and I are going through somewhat the same. He's been covered by his insurance from his job for about 9 or 10 years. He's only used it a few times for just Doctors visits. Well the last two years, he's had 2 emergency hospital admittances, due to bone infections in his metatarsal bone (Bone holding the toe.) Bone infections are difficult to get rid of.
Because it was an emergency, I was admitted too. My Doctor had tests she wanted to run anyway. So we thought, ok this works. {{{Not!!!}}} The hospital plus I suppose his insurance wanted to put me out and into respite care. The cheapest was something like $170.00 a day. They didn't accept Medicare. They do accept Medicaid. But I don't have Medicaid. Plus his insurance wouldn't pay for it. And they couldn't say if they would make payment arrangents. I ended up staying with him at the hospital, but his insurance won't pay, and for some reason they didn't ask for my Medicare Hospitalization card. I won't bother you with that. After he was let out from the first stay. His Infectious disease Doctor wanted him to have 35 days of outpatient antibiotic I V treatments. The insurance dictated all he needed was 15 treatments. So his Doctor had to stop them because we couldn't afford the rest at close to $4000.00 a day. Oh yea, they only paid a total of $125.00 a day for what he did get. Yes I wrote it right...One Hundred Twenty Five Dollars a day! The antibiotics alone cost more. They put him on oral antibiotics for the balance of the 35 days. The deductible was $500.00 for the pills. Guess what?! He ended up back in because if bone infections aren't treated right. The bacteria can go dormant. Well it did go dormant then not much later the infection came back. He ended up back in the hospital. This time removing the bone. All because many insurance companies play Doctor. There's more, but I think I probably bored you enough. I'll just say this for now. At the end of both stays we're now in dept to the hospital for about $190,000.00. That's just for the hospital stays that they didn't pay in full! LOL, My house isn't worth that much. Oh, that's not counting all the separate stuff!

;-) OK, If you even read this far! I won't bore you any longer.

LOL, I probably already did...If so, I'm sorry! But basically, sometimes it easier to deal with if you can relate with somebody.
So I told you this so hopefully you know you're not alone as far as health insurance garbage goes!

Take Care!

Your friend and Fan,

P.S. Sorry I took this long to put this in here too, as I always do!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your sweet little baby boy, Casey! Poor Brooke - not only did she have to break her ankle and undergo an emergency c-section in the same day - AND deal with almost losing her son - AND deal with the physical pain of healing - BUT she ALSO has to put up with YOU! I am sure this is NOT what she had in mind. God help her! (kidding, Casey, kidding). Big HUGS to you all. Maria in Cherry Hill

Jen said...

OK... so my mom just called me and told me everything that happened! We moved to GA in February, and I loved listening to your show. I am so happy to hear that everyone is as well as they can be.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the birth of your Miralce Max - what a wonderful surprise for Mother's Day - even if he did come the hard way ;) Glad to hear that your wife is doing well too...You have a VERY strong family and as much as your wife is your rock - I am sure you are hers too... I will keep you, Brooke, Spenser and Max in my prayers..

PS....soooo happy to have you back on the air..

Marilyn said...

You have quite a beautiful little family. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. Hope the insurance company comes through for you. We always have to fight for every penny. They will try to get away with whatever they can. They count on you not noticing or fighting for your benefits. It's really sad that things have gotten so bad. It used to be so much better. If you don't question everything they get away with murder.

Enjoy every minute you can with your children. They grow up way too fast. I have 2 grown children. One lives in Maryland and the other in Colorado. I have three grandchildren I rarely see. It's rough not having them close. Thank goodness for webcams!

My 2 1/2 year old grand-daughter looked at me during my last visit and said, "Grandma, you have pretty hair". I melted and thought that was an amazing thing for such a young child to say. Then we were watching Sesame Street on the internet and Elmo said, "You have pretty hair". OK, so she stole it from Elmo. I'll still take it.

On another note, although I don't always agree with your opinion, I think you are a super guy and I love that you and Ray get along so well. It was nice how you were so appreciative of the basket Mrs. Rossi sent. He never would have gotten such nice words from Carton. There is a world of difference between you and your predecessor, thank goodness!

Keep up the wonderful blogs.


MsCRankin said...

Casey, many times I don't get home from work early enough to catch your show, but last week I caught the tail end a couple of days and noticed you weren't there. Today I checked the 101.5 website and discovered what you've been going through since last weekend. Congratulations on the birth of your new little boy! I wish you and your family all the best and I'm so happy to hear that Maxwell, your wife and daughter are all doing fine. It's a happy ending to a very scary story! (P.S. I hope you never leave our NJ airwaves!)

lisoosh said...

Beautiful baby, glad all are well.

If the insurance is through a company - get the company to get their sales rep to fight the decisions. The only person in the company who will fight for you is somebody with business to lose.

I learned that the hard way.

Unknown said...

Read your blog for the first time today. Honestly, I do listen to your show..and do really annoy me. But let me tell you, I applaud you for your strength and the strength of your family. You should be proud. I'm teh father of twin girls (3 years old this May) and had one in ICU for a short is incredible all the feelings that go through you. You have definitely been raised a few pegs in my book and I will continue to support 101.5 and your show. God bless your family. Ray talk more *s*

Alycia said...

I'm so sorry to hear about all that you and your family have just been through. I am happy that it turned out well. Congratulations on your new baby boy. I've been listening to you on my commute for the past 6 months or so. I'm a conservative democrat (they do exist) and a transplant from Boston. I'm also a talk radio junkie and was ecstatic when I found 101.5. I looked for your blog because you are always saying that no one reads it. I wanted to see if it was worth reading. It was worth it and you and your family will definitely be in my prayers for continued recovery and healing. I also look forward to reading the more controversial topics and responding.
Take care

NJ Grandma said...

Casey & Brooke - Congratulations - you have two beautiful children and that is all that matters. Hope Brooke is able to get around real soon. Bills, spills, they will get paid eventually!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the baby Casey, hope he looks like his mother.

I really think alot of people here in New Jersey really wish you would take some more time off and go back and be with your son.

We really don't think it's working out...your little temper tantriums on the air, and turning off the mic on your listners when they dont agree.....and lets not forget that MonaTone voice of yours...

Please, go back to Nebraska or Iowa or wherever you are from and be with your family, you can get a job at a McDonalds or something...


Unknown said...

Casey...GO HOME...Back to whatever rock you crawled out of...

Your family needs you....We don't!