Monday, March 9, 2009

A Random Collection Of Thoughts....

I felt that I should blog.

I don’t know why. There are those who pressure me to blog, but I generally ignore them. However, I was sitting here, and I had a few free minutes, and I thought I would jot some things down.

Jot? I jot? I never knew I jotted. Damn. Sometimes, when I’m all alone and no one is bothering me, I fancy myself a writer. Not a jotter. Sounds lame.

Wait……I fancy?


I’m growing the beard back. Okay, that’s a bit of a lie. The beard has been back for a while. So, technically, I’m continuing to grow the beard. I would love it if I could get it nice and long, like the guys from ZZ Top. Sadly, I don’t think that will happen. I don’t have that kind of support system. I good beard needs a solid support system. Mostly, what I get is, “When are you gonna shave that stupid thing off?” So, I don’t see myself goin’ the way of the “Sharp Dressed Man” anytime soon. Would be nice, though.

I’ve got rock salt all over the front of my house. When we got that big snow, last week, I shoveled really late. So, most of it was snow. Lest the precious snowflakes who walk past my house on the way to school slip and fall, I put down a bunch of salt. Then, it got warm. Now, I have rock salt. Now, I’m waiting for it to rain, and wash all the rock salt away. I could go sweep it up. But, I don’t have time for that. Actually, I do have time for that, I just don’t wanna do it. There are things I like to make time for, and things I don’t. Sadly, the things I like to make time for don’t seem to have the time for me, at this moment. However, this in no way, shape, or form makes me want to go sweep up rock salt. Maybe I can just leave it there until the next snow. Probably next year. I don’t think it works like that, does it?

Speaking of that, there is rock salt residue all over my car. I have to go get it washed. Every other place I have ever lived there were stand alone car washes at all the gas stations. You’d buy your gas, pay for a wash at the same time, then drive over to the car wash and get your it done. It took about 5 minutes, total. I only know of one of these such machines, in New Jersey, and it hardly ever works. There are a lot of things like that. Things that work everywhere else on the planet, but fail to work in New Jersey. Why is that? Is New Jersey some sort of Bermuda Triangle? I’ll have to think on that one.

I’m too busy thinking of other things, these days. I’m working on a book proposal, which takes almost as long as writing an actual book. Plus, I’m getting the feeling that it needs to be better than the actual book. I suppose, though, that if I can’t write a good proposal than I have no business writing a book. So, I’m dealing with that. I’m also working on a new zombie story. I’ve been working on it for a while, and it keeps changing. I think it might be pretty good. I dunno, though. It’s hard to tell, when you’re writing it. I’m also thinking of using the blog as an online novel. I’ve talked about that, before. I might just do that. I actually have several chapters of that already written. This would help when you put in my personal “lazy factor.”

I’m also still working on those websites. I’ve got the names. I’ve even got them registered. Pulling the trigger on it is proving more difficult than I had planned. This, too, is my fault due to the time factor. That keeps coming up. The time factor. I wish I could stop time, when I wanted to, and freeze everyone else in place. Then I could get all my work done, and start time back up again. I’d actually be ahead, for once. I don’t know who I’m kidding, though. I wouldn’t work. I’d go around and look at naked women. Sadly, I know myself too well. I don’t get to see enough naked women. Hell, I don’t get to see ANY naked women. There was a “Twilight Zone” episode about that. Not seeing naked women. It was about stopping time. As I recall, THAT guy used his time stopping ability to steal money, not look at naked women. I’m sure he eventually got to that, though, because he broke the watch that allowed him to stop time, and everyone else got frozen, forever. After a while, I’m sure he looked at some naked women. I’ll try not to do that. Meaning, I’ll try not to break my time stopping watch. Wouldn’t want you all to get frozen. That would suck.

Anyway, I’m working on websites, too.

I’m also working on a few audio things, with a buddy of mine, that may end up airing in other countries. We’ll have to see about that. One issue that has come up is that I’m an American. So, I have an American accent. I guess the Australians were concerned about that. They must think we talk funny, here. I like Australian accents, though. I wonder why they hate me.

I just downloaded the Yellow pages App onto my blackberry. Why do I tell you this? Because I like saying App, that’s why……..App.

By the way, writing this is NOT getting my book proposal done. It’s also not getting my zombie story done. My websites? They aren’t done, yet, either. Life is hard.

My wife never kisses me goodnight, anymore. Maybe I should start brushing my teeth before I go to bed.

I rode bikes with my daughter, over the weekend. It was fun. We rode over and got ice cream, afterwards. It was the least amount of stress I’ve felt in as long as I can remember. I should do more of that. I have a girls bike, though, damn it. Why did I buy a girls bike? Hell, it’s not even a girl’s bike. It’s an old woman’s bike. Why did I buy an old woman’s bike? It was probably on sale. I swear to God, I will spend any amount of money on anyone else. But, when it comes to me, I get cheap. Is it because I hate myself? I wonder. Maybe I hate myself because I buy myself such cheap things. Hmmmm….I could ask my therapist that. But, I don’t have a therapist. I was going to go to one. I even made an appointment. But, they were really expensive. Plus, I don’t know if I trust them. I think they only talk to people, because it makes their lives seem better. Plus, people are far more interesting when they are all, shall we say, f*&#ed up than when they are happy. You never see a therapist telling a happy person to come back. But, you will never see them turn away someone who is good and screwed up. It’s because happy people are boring. Messed up people are interesting. Maybe I should become I therapist. I thought about doing that, once, but someone told me I wasn’t smart enough. They were probably right. Still, I like to hear about messed up people. I’ll make a note.

Yes, in fact, I DO like Yoo-Hoo THAT much.

Someone asked me if I was going to announce the Roller Derby, again. I don't know. I haven't been asked. If I am, I probably will. I didn't know if I'd like the sport, and I did. Fast paced, and fun to watch. I don't know why they'd ask me. I wasn't very good at it. I mostly just stood there and said, "Ohhhhhh...." Stuff like that. I announced women's college softball for a whole season, and wasn't very good at that, either. I only did that to meet girls, though, when I was in college. I went out with a bunch of them. But, they only went out with me so that they could get on the radio. I only got to second base with one of them. Ironically, it was the second basemen. I swear to God, I am not making that up. She stopped seeing me when I found that VERY funny. My mouth has cost me a lot of relationships. If I had a finger that was causing me that kind of problem, I'd have it cut off. I don't think that you can cut off a mouth. If anything, it would just make the hole bigger. I would think a bigger hole, would just cause me greater problems. That could not be good. I could sew it shut, but I gotta eat. Either way, if I tried to get to second base with a derby chick, I think she'd deck me. Maybe that's why they haven't asked me back. Hmmmmm.....

I'm in a "not happy" state. I wish that would end. Maybe when the new "Hannah Montana" movie comes out in a few weeks, that will perk me up......Crap....There's a "Hannah Montana" movie coming out in a few weeks, and I'm probably going to go see it. That's depressing........Wait......I perk, too? What the hell!?!!

My book proposal, zombie story, and websites are still not done..........

Maybe I should go......



Anonymous said...

Casey, you have to title your blogs "This is My Life as the Depressed Spam Man Who Wastes His Time Typing Blogs that No One Bothers to Read".

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Don't worry about what Anonymous said. I love you Casey and will always read your blogs (boring or not)even though you think they get ignored. Some of them are quite entertaining.

Jess said...


Your random thoughts made more sense to me than what most people are saying when they are talking about a true subject, lately.(did that make sense? hope so) I enjoy reading your blog. There is an eccentricity about you that I can relate to. I may not always agree, but you definately make me smile and laugh in a time when we don't have enough to laugh or smile about. Your "work" makes my working a little easier. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that people who claim YOU are the one wasting his time writing blogs are the LOSERS wasting their time reading it...if you don't want to read it-DON'T and stop drinking the Kool-Aide!